Wednesday 7 May 2008


I was so excited to hear that someone has found my blog worth reading among all the other blogs for the blind ! There has been rather a gap recently but have been too tired which is quite natural for older Grannies! The wonderful weather has come but it does bring its problems. It is moving shadows with shafts of light, these can make me start and I find myself hitting out at them or trying to pick them up! It must look quite strange. Frequently I bend down in the flat thinking the patch of light is a piece of paper. Another thing is on the buses kind people try to make me sit in the first row of double seats, these are the worst on the bus with hardly any leg space and with the large board across the window so you cannot see out. This is an important point as I have to watch for landmarks lit by the sun - like railings or trees or high pillars like the Chelsea fire station. I had to explain all this to a man who moved his seat for me to sit in the pram space seat where you can get air as well as a good view. He was intrigued! Cat is sleeping most of these hot days.