Wednesday, 9 January 2008


St Dunstans have been ,my lifeline. They are the most wonderful support,without them I doubt that I should be writing something like this! I had started learning the computor with the local council which was slow and frustating, the poor instructer
had too many pupils all at different . levels. And then I found a most special "guru" and his huge dog, a partially sighted roaming RNIB helper , so with him and St Dunstans who help in so many ways I am very lucky. There was an amusing incident at a Chelsea Fair last summer,when being taken round by a friend who was describing the stalls, came to hats.I stepped forward as I could see the outline of a large black hat against the white of the tent. Below it appeard to be a very fluffy white hat, so thought I would feel it and carefully put my hand on it - to ny surprise it spoke saying Are you going to bless me? I quickly responded I am so sorry but bless you my son! We had a good laugh together, he was an elderly man with white fluffy hair sitt on a chair! The only one to be embarressed was my friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done blogging granny!