Monday, 14 April 2008

april showers

Just had to return several new gadgets I had ordered, which was maddeming. When I feel deprived of shop browsing, I"m apt to mail order either clothes or gadgets for the blind! Deciding I needed a new talking telephone dialler as my "parrot voice mates" are now several years old and on the blink . Having run one to earth, as mine are now discontinued, it took half an hour of frustration for my daughter who is gadget minded. So that went back in the box. Why the manufacturers cannot update good items I cannot think. The next was a measuring jug. This had two components and both had to be picked up together when holding the liquid which made it much too heavy , so back that must go! Last was a CD holder which was very bulky and only held 10, and I have about 50 music cds. So decided this was one I could do without! This was all disappointing, and the huge box had to be got to the local PO,which is under threat of closure. However I was cheered up to hear that my son had been serverely pecked at the back by his new smart black cockerel for leaving him shut up with his wives rather late in the morning! . Our broody ducks sadly seem to have left the lawn, but there is a great white blob out there and so I know the our lovely weeping pear tree is out in bloom. I felt around the trunk and think my next guest must do some pruning-cannot trust the gardeners!
Must now get back to my cooking for bridge lunch tomorrow,luckily Bridie has done the potatoes as find them impossible to peel and she has kindly rubbed up the silver . The sun is actually shining!

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