Saturday, 8 November 2008

liquid level

As my son has pointed out from the previous blog, nobody will know what a liquiw level is- maybe a whiskey measure! Actually it is a small box with three metal prongs. This is placed on the lip of the cup and when the liquid reaches the front two prongs it alerts you by pinging and vibrating,which will stop as soon as it is removed. This is an absolute boon and you can regulate the height.
Another hazard to overcome is liquid medicine. This is impossible to put in a spoon or small measure pot, so the only solution seems to be carefully sipping from the bottle! Please let me know if anyone comes up with a better solution.
Kind friends came round for tea and brought door stop sandwiches apologising for the thickness of the bread. They did not know the trick of removing the crusts and flattening with a rolling pin, and with a really good roll the can make melba toast in the oven.

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