Saturday, 8 November 2008

liquid level

As my son has pointed out from the previous blog, nobody will know what a liquiw level is- maybe a whiskey measure! Actually it is a small box with three metal prongs. This is placed on the lip of the cup and when the liquid reaches the front two prongs it alerts you by pinging and vibrating,which will stop as soon as it is removed. This is an absolute boon and you can regulate the height.
Another hazard to overcome is liquid medicine. This is impossible to put in a spoon or small measure pot, so the only solution seems to be carefully sipping from the bottle! Please let me know if anyone comes up with a better solution.
Kind friends came round for tea and brought door stop sandwiches apologising for the thickness of the bread. They did not know the trick of removing the crusts and flattening with a rolling pin, and with a really good roll the can make melba toast in the oven.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


It has been wet cold and miserable! And everybody I know including me have all types of chest and throat problems, so many engagements have been cancelled. My new liquid level is also suffering and goes berserk every now and then,on its own. Friends have asked if I have mice or perhaps if is the door bell, as it leaps up and down vibrating periodically in the kitchen.. It will have to go back!
A very cosy jacket I have, suffers from too small pockets. As I use them sometimes instead of taking a bag, something had to be done. So I took it to the local Indian tailor who is so obliging, and he has successfully velcroed them.
Just writing to the Times newspaper about the terrible voice announcing the tine by dialling 1 2 3 on your telephone. It squeaks that it is Tinkerbell[from Peter Pan]. They obviously have not read this book, as Tinkerbell ]never speaks!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Country Visit

its ages since i wrote this up, I was either ill, or too tired or no time! And now today I hear that blogging is old hat!
I decided to invite myself away for the weekend.
It was great to be back in that vast farming county of Lincolnshire,. The disabled parking at Kings Cross was most efficient and we were met by booked assistance who took me to collect my two single tickets [half the price of a return!]. Then put me on the train and telephoned through to ny destination to make sure that I would be helped off the train. All worked like clockwork!
The first person we spoke to was the mole catcher. He had had a good day,mole skin slippers no doubt! Next a look at a newly ploughed field and it was noted that no grass verge had been left. The stags in the park were still standing together as there has been no frost yet. But best of all was the woodmans story of investigating the security lights which had turned on the night before, he suddenly saw a little mother hedgehog carrying a baby across the drive and over a fence,deposited it and returned for another, such a pity he had not a camera.
The return journey was not quite so smooth, but the guard who I chatted with had been alerted that I had booktd assistance in London, saved the day when non turned up, so all turned out well in the end!

Saturday, 28 June 2008

no subject

It has been a long time since I wrote this up. A dear Grandson is staying trying to get jobs in his gap summer and is permanently plugged into my computor, and if he is not I am otherwise engaged or too tired! and of course there has been a lot of big races and now the tennis! Another grandson of 14 years has started a blog on the life and workings of his ants! So it has rather spurred me on.
The last of my "parrot voice mates" which dials my telephone numbers has died. A pity as one can take it into bed and make calls from there. Now thank goodnes for the computor which will do it instead. Cobalt have brought out a new one but even my daughter found it difficult,so it was sent back. I cannot understand these designers, the old one was excelent although it had many other non essential functions..
At last two buses have a voice announcing the stops. It is really difficult without the cheerie conductors, although passengers are mostly helpful. Looking for an ampty seat is more tricky, invaribly I find myself feeling someones knees or worse sitting on them. Stil it usually causes amusement!

Wednesday, 7 May 2008


I was so excited to hear that someone has found my blog worth reading among all the other blogs for the blind ! There has been rather a gap recently but have been too tired which is quite natural for older Grannies! The wonderful weather has come but it does bring its problems. It is moving shadows with shafts of light, these can make me start and I find myself hitting out at them or trying to pick them up! It must look quite strange. Frequently I bend down in the flat thinking the patch of light is a piece of paper. Another thing is on the buses kind people try to make me sit in the first row of double seats, these are the worst on the bus with hardly any leg space and with the large board across the window so you cannot see out. This is an important point as I have to watch for landmarks lit by the sun - like railings or trees or high pillars like the Chelsea fire station. I had to explain all this to a man who moved his seat for me to sit in the pram space seat where you can get air as well as a good view. He was intrigued! Cat is sleeping most of these hot days.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

wet toes

It has been some time since I last wrote, but its been a most social week,quite like old times. I have had great fun seeing lots of old friends in the country but fairly exhausting! I had a lift down to the country which was great but always find it difficult to cut the number of clothes to pack especially when travelling by car! I returned by train, but never on a Sunday as the transport is so bad , and as usual the assistance at Paddington did not arrive. At last a most charming young man (passenger) insisted on looking after me and walked me towards the barrier where the trolley assistance finally arrived heavily apologising! From this moment it was fine and they could not have been more efficient.The waiting room was jam packed with all ages of disabled people all looking rather anxious! I don't know how the assistance coped with them all.
The worst part about going away is the packing and trying to shut the cases! If someone helps they always say I am taking too much which is so annoying as I know what I want!.
Next I went to a joint Services Dinner at my club. Meg who was M.I5(big secret!!!) and I were among the only five women there. I had a doctor on either side of me ,which might have been useful, however whilst one never spoke the other was a charmer!
The next day was a St.Dunstans yearly lunch held in the lovely old RAF club on Hyde Park Corner. My daughter accompanied me and we sat at Lord Lowes table where my daughter noticed that when he made his excellent speech by running his finger along a paper written in braille -quite amazing! The next day it wass off to Spinks with a friend who was selling some medals including a VC, and the money raised was to go to Heros Help.With such a week its no wonder I put my bare foot into kittys water bowl this morning whilst feeling around for her food!

Monday, 14 April 2008

april showers

Just had to return several new gadgets I had ordered, which was maddeming. When I feel deprived of shop browsing, I"m apt to mail order either clothes or gadgets for the blind! Deciding I needed a new talking telephone dialler as my "parrot voice mates" are now several years old and on the blink . Having run one to earth, as mine are now discontinued, it took half an hour of frustration for my daughter who is gadget minded. So that went back in the box. Why the manufacturers cannot update good items I cannot think. The next was a measuring jug. This had two components and both had to be picked up together when holding the liquid which made it much too heavy , so back that must go! Last was a CD holder which was very bulky and only held 10, and I have about 50 music cds. So decided this was one I could do without! This was all disappointing, and the huge box had to be got to the local PO,which is under threat of closure. However I was cheered up to hear that my son had been serverely pecked at the back by his new smart black cockerel for leaving him shut up with his wives rather late in the morning! . Our broody ducks sadly seem to have left the lawn, but there is a great white blob out there and so I know the our lovely weeping pear tree is out in bloom. I felt around the trunk and think my next guest must do some pruning-cannot trust the gardeners!
Must now get back to my cooking for bridge lunch tomorrow,luckily Bridie has done the potatoes as find them impossible to peel and she has kindly rubbed up the silver . The sun is actually shining!

Sunday, 30 March 2008

Spring Cometh?

A most successful Easter in France with the most excelled assistance at the railway stations and Southampton airport, both ways. It was a joy [as far as it can be travelling these days]
to do the trip which is usually full of stress. It was all great fun, and having taken a friend of much the same age as myself, we were able to do things together and so take the pressure off the family. The worst part I now find is packing and unpacking! Also having a lot of trouble with tooth brushes and toothpaste. Nine times out of ten the bristles are on a trendy twisted side of the handle so it is hit and miss with the paste. Then the paste rushes out of the rotten plastic tube, the result is most in the basin and little on the brush and the tube finished in record time. The next tube I shall try piercing the metal cover left when the cap is unscrewed, and hopefully it will come out like a snail.
Cat was prowling round the bath and on hind legs was peering in. Supposing she wanted the usual drink I lifted her on to the side but still she kept looking in, so I carefully pushed her and to ny suprise she clung to me with open claws. Then to my horror found that I had not let the water out from the day before! Poor kitty she got a fright and wet cold feet.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008


Happy Easter to any readers of my blog! I shall continue in April when I hope Spring weather will really have come as we appear to be back in winter, even the fur hat has had to reappear.

Friday, 14 March 2008


Now the winds and high tides have hopefully gone,and the exciteing racing from Cheltenham over, just a few words for the blog.

Apparently last April a law was passed stating that a bus must stop at every stop where there is a person waiting carrying a white stick, and call out the no. of the bus. I suppose I should have known this as I am sent from time to time a Getting About magazine, but it is so long winded , like the masses of forms one gets sent and questionaires, I throw them away! Its rather like Big Brother on paper, somewhere there is an awful little gremlin, being paid a bomb and probably expenses undeclared, who knows all ones assets, how our rooms are decorated and the clothes one wears and so much more!

Friday, 7 March 2008

installing broadband

Great excitement getting broad band, and it took quite a while getting it sorted on my software! Now I can get into the Net without that guilty feeling of running up my telephone bill even more. But I still find it often difficult to understand the jargon and think I must get some help from the whizzkids in the familly!
Cat is spending a lot of time in the bath waiting for me to run a splash of cold water. Perhaps she is lacking some vitamin or is sensing me getting ready to go to France for Easter, because on hearing rustling of paper I discovered her in the bag of Easter Eggs! Luckily I found her before she had torn off the paper. It had been quite a performance getting these eggs as I had decided to get them from a special shop in Chelsea. This meant catching the usual and only bus -the 22, to Beaufort St. at Worlds End [where there is a Moravian burial ground all buried standing upright!] The road makes a sharp bend to the left and stops, so I know I have arrived. But this time I checked that I was right because as I stepped off there seemed to be a vast open space. Slight panic as there did not seem to be a pavement! Then a man and wheelbarrow appeared and he explained the whole block had been raised to the ground! and he helped me to the crossing. I arrived at the shop by its delicious smell. After having purchased very expensive chocks and complained about the shops and cafes that had gone, I asked how far down the road was the bus stop . The assistant insisted on taking me along herself. People really are so kind. and so full of free tasting she helped me back on the 22. It was freezing and I was glad to be back home.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Everything has gone very quiet, most of my friends departing for Malta on our sixth bridge holiday which sadly I shall miss this year. They have been such fun and well organised. On the day trips I always took an audio book, and if the ground was too rough, friends would find me a suitable seat in the sun and leave me . On returning would tell me what I had missed, or take me off to see something special. I always enjoyed the chatter, wine and food! Bridge was played after supper. I always travelled with my lamp and cards, and Don and his wife who arranged the tables always reserved me one near a plug. There used to be a few black looks from people I didn't know who thought it was favouritism!
much to our amusement. We were inclined to be a bit noisy and we were constantly being told to keep quiet. Luckily the more serious ones departed to play duplicate in another room where no sound was heard. What a relief for us!
There are still a few players left here, but mostly I have to amuse myself with the mad rug weaving. Watching TV or listing to radio 7 I failed to notice that three needles had no yarn threaded, and after about a foot of work I found one side was all frilly! Well thats something different, and am certainly not undoing it! Unsuspecting friends are presented with finished rugs. I do not ask what they do with them!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

freezing day

As social life has calmed down I intended to write up the blog days ago, but a friend had given me a present af lavender oil to promote good sleep! It obviously did its job well as two mornings I slept until 10.00am! and it left my brain completely fogged up! I couldn't even make myself go shopping. They were such glorious days but freezing! In the end I walked to the hairdresser. The light was not good and I was seeing through a hazy snow storm. But I knew the route well. Over the first road-one way, a narrow path between the pub with its hanging baskets on one side and tables on the other side,past the lovely TA building, and so on, catching glimpes of landmarks, sometimes light catching a rail or white lines. Seeing a zigzag you know that there is a crossing at the end, also at the start of the crossing thepavement
is studded with little bumps which is useful. Pressing a button to cross the road, if it does not bleep you put a finger under the box and a large screw turns indicating that you can cross. This time I missed the salon and I realised by the smell of food that I had gone too far!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008


I'm so delighted to find people are still reading my blog. It has been a bit thin on the ground because I have been organising a bridge party of two tables for my 81st birthday! It has taken a lot of thought. I prepared the tables two days before as we would eat off the two tables, then remove the cloths,change guests around, then serve coffee and play Chicargo so hopefully one did not get stuck with a bad run of cards or partners! The day before I bought a fresh cooked chicken and a half from Waitrose and pulling off the flesh marinaded it over night, in lemon juice then made a white sauce the quick way, throwing into the hot milk the butter roughly chopped then guessing the flour weight [which was too much!] used a whisk to beat it up, but made much too much, added nutmeg and green peppercorns. Day of the party added to the chicken chopped fresh pineapple from Marks, fried button mushrooms and the white sauce. Mashed potatoes, peeled the day before by a friend, and finished off by a grand daughter who came to help serve and clear away. Another made the most delicious lemon and pistachio roulardes! It all worked remarkably well especially as 3 guests rang later for the recepies! I stayed at the same table with my lighting arrangememts and of course the 'low vision' poker cards. It was great fun but I was exhausted! A whiskey [which has one of those bar pourers to stop me overdoing it] and in bed by 8 30 much to the delight of cat.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


One of the perks of living in London with a disability, is the taxi card. This is mostly reliable, and incredibly cheap, paying only £1.50 for a £11 fare. It is a boon to me as I live out in SW6 which is usually twenty minutes by bus from my favourite shopping areas. Another perk is at theatres where you can often get half price seats in front stalls for two. Exhibitions are mostly free for me and companion who I have taught to describe everything in detail ! I am also sort after for shopping in the congestion zone as I only have to telephone and register their car for the day.
In a supermarket the other day I was searching for an assistant, when I thought I spied one at the end of an isle bending over a box. I hurried along and bent down and spoke to her, but suddenly found a couple had stopped beside me rather concerned as I was actually talking to the box! The assistant long since gone.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


I have had some lovely comments, it is most exciting to find people have actually found and read my blog. Thank all of you.
Shoes! These have been a nightmare finding pairs. The answer is simple, clip them together with a good clothes peg as soon as you take them off.
Decided to go down to our lovely Indian grocer where I found a new face. Harry the young helper had gone back to India to 'find' himself, but hope he comes back! So I asked Sheshu for copper and brass cleaner. He searched the breads. 'No no its a cleaning stuff like silver cleaner'. 'Ah ! yes, but no silver cleaner.' I replied 'Oh yes in a blue bottle.' He found it, Great I said and near it will be the copper end brass cleaner. Out came silver liquid,then gold cleaner , so I suggested Brasso and we ere there. 'Now peppered ham'. 'Ah poppadams this way' , No and very clearly peppered ham, but I knew more or less where it was kept! 'lastly water biscuits,but he offered me chocolate and every other sort,so gave that up and suggested oat cakes, a mistake as he rushed excitedly to cakes and bread, but we finally found them and a queue of grinning customers. We remained friends and he escorted me over the road. I was exausted!

Friday, 25 January 2008

A few years ago I planted a small bambo-one that pandas eat! outside a south facing window,expressly to see which way the wind , if any, is blowing. It is now over 6ft and shaved like a mop, I can see it black against the bright water and sky dancing like a dervish,I love it! Living in a flat it is quite difficult to tell the weather without unbolting the outside door in winter I find that colour contrast is useful, and the cooker top is black and the worktops white. Put a white mug on the black top,pour wateron to coffee and you can gauge when it is full enough by the remaing white rim. You can get a pinger to put on the rim which is useful. I also have the prettiest of talking watches hanging on a chain. It is circular with a wonderful edgeing which makes it look antique.

Deciding to go shopping in Sloane Square, I have to cross a major road with three way traffic. There is only an island I can safely reach, and there I am stranded until some kind person will rescue me! I take this route as only one bus stops here, so I do not have to run up and down asking the numbers! The drivers are usually foreign Someone will always tell me where to get off. If not meeting a friend I find an assistant to take me up in the lift. Waiting for an assistant to serve me I decided to look and feel the hats and discovered there was now a long counter under them displaying gloves and bags, I also thought i saw a store detective eyeing me so thought I would have some fun! So moving along I tried on hats and picked up various articles. I could see a movement on the other side, and in the end I decided to give her a broad smile. She was still there so I peered closer and discovered it was myself! There was a cleverly hidden mirror. I started to laugh until I saw assistants regarding me rather strangely.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

digi box

At last the sun is out and the howling wind gone from the river. So a good day to meet a friend for lunch so no need to make much supper. Striding down the pavement to the club where there no roads to cross, a man passing asked if I was water divining? We had a laugh, and I greplied- this is not a forked hazel but a rare solid bamboo! Thats a new one! Returning home, Ijust avoided eating a soggy tea bag I had not felt on a tea plate where I had put asmall bun!
Another good gadget is the talking digital TV box. It reads out the numbers as you press the buttons, and also on some programs, a voice fills in silent parts , mostly well done but it can be annoying, but on the whole useful. It can be switched off but difficult to put on again in fact impossible for me as I discovered when a grandson had been staying!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


What with the floods, rain, and the BBC axing one of the best digital radio stations,a disastrous start to the week.It was called One Word, and had a wonderful variety of excelent programs, reading or acting classic books plays poetry book and film reviews and so on. There is still BBC 7 which is good and seems to be improving. It is listed in the Radio Times and is often an alternative to the TV! Shopping can be tricky as I like to feel materials which sometimes start moving! Stroking some lovely Salukis at a lunch party, I moved across the roon, and when talking to a friend , put my hand down to continue stroking a dog, ruffling its it turned out to be a guest sitting on a stool.

Saturday, 12 January 2008


After a dark and miserable looking day, the sun suddenly burst out lighting the up river so out to the local grocer - he is so kind he always takes me across the bus ridden road. Leaving the flat,down six steps,across the courtyard feeling the edges with my two sticks,there is a disgusting smell of fox. He nust have been there fairly recently according to the height of his scent. I think he trotts all the way down the road to Hurlingham Club to join his friends who have a field day by the lake where the fat ducks are so well fed by members! So on to our main gate where there is a wonderful scent - mimoso, spring must be coming, our winter flowering tree must be flowering I hope not too soon!

Wednesday, 9 January 2008


St Dunstans have been ,my lifeline. They are the most wonderful support,without them I doubt that I should be writing something like this! I had started learning the computor with the local council which was slow and frustating, the poor instructer
had too many pupils all at different . levels. And then I found a most special "guru" and his huge dog, a partially sighted roaming RNIB helper , so with him and St Dunstans who help in so many ways I am very lucky. There was an amusing incident at a Chelsea Fair last summer,when being taken round by a friend who was describing the stalls, came to hats.I stepped forward as I could see the outline of a large black hat against the white of the tent. Below it appeard to be a very fluffy white hat, so thought I would feel it and carefully put my hand on it - to ny surprise it spoke saying Are you going to bless me? I quickly responded I am so sorry but bless you my son! We had a good laugh together, he was an elderly man with white fluffy hair sitt on a chair! The only one to be embarressed was my friend.

Sunday, 6 January 2008


I had a narrow escape a few years ago when my sight was making odd jumps , I was walking my little dog in the park on an incredibly bright day. It is always difficult to see on days like this, and searching for a dogloo letter box which I had been told was black, I thought I saw one in the deep shade of a tree. Approaching cautiously,I started to get out the bag when to my horror it moved! Luckily he did not see me. The (bin) had been a man bending over wearing black jeans!
in case you do not knowthis useful tip, you might like to know that there is a the tiny raised spot on the number 5 on every land line and cordless telephone, and gate entry dial and pin number dial, but not sure about mobile phones. Once 5 is located it is easy to find any other number!

Wednesday, 2 January 2008


2 Jan and it dawned grey and miserable looking,but light was on the river- a very high tide. Creeping out of bed to make coffee amd let in cat - she is too heavy to let sleep with me as she has to be around ones neck! She then jumps into an empty bath and waits for me to run a dash of cold water which she greedily licks up with any lingering bath oil ! I then carefully walk around the flat with bare feet to inspect any thing on the floor that should not be there! Then a lovein with cat